Australian Pet Shop supplies a number of conditioners that all play there part in the conditioning of your dogs coat. Washing your dog regularly is important to the well being and quality of life of your pet.
Conditioning after a shampoo wash will give your dog that finishing look and smell plus your dog will feel great. There are a number of medicated conditioners available from the Australian Pet Shop.
Conditioning after a shampoo wash will give your dog that finishing look and smell plus your dog will feel great. There are a number of medicated conditioners available from the Australian Pet Shop.
Australian Pet Shop also offers other Dog Grooming Products.
Other Dog Grooming Products include . . .
| Accessories | Brushes | Clipper Accessories | Clipper Blades | Clipper Combs | Clippers | Combs | Nail Clippers | Perfume | Scissors | Shampoos |